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How Will My Patient Be Treated at Momentum Physical Therapy & Wellness?
Front Desk:
When you send your patients to Momentum, we want you to have a feel for what they will experience when walking through the door. Patients are greeted by our front desk specialist, Emily Mills. She graduated from the College of Charleston in 2018 with a B.S. degree in Public Health. Emily is their advocate for all things PT related. She ensures patients are receiving the quality experience they deserve.
Treatment Table:
We want you to know when your patient sits down with the physical therapist for that first visit to Momentum Physical Therapy & Wellness, the initial treatment the patient will receive is exercise. These patient specific exercises work so well even the highly irritable pain patient will be assessed for appropriate modified exercise. Patient specific exercise provides the greatest value with a high rate of success. Meaningful recovery from exercise coupled with hands on assistance when needed from the PT are well researched with proven clinical outcomes.
“It is important to follow an organized progression for patient treatment from start to finish. Exercise First, PT hands on assistance with exercise, followed by taping techniques if needed is the order of care. The final choice is electro modalities if additional options for pain relieving assistance is needed. This order of care at the treatment table does not change. The type of exercise correctly chosen from hundreds of possibilities is the variable that delivers the great outcome for so many patients. Exercise, hands on techniques and the home exercise program is often all that is needed.”
Pain research is currently evolving providing meaningful updates to help treat the more severely affected patients. Safe solutions exist for those in significant pain even those experiencing pain from Radiculopathy. I am having a positive effect unlike I have experienced before with some, not all, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome patients as well as many, not all, low back patients with visible lateral shifts. Physical Therapy at Momentum is highly skilled in sorting through the correct exercise and treatment method out of the hundreds of choices. Our consistent order of treatment will always make that initial attempt to put the power of recovery in the hands of the patient. The importance of movement is learned by patients when they see a normal return to function in many instances occurred with exercise alone. Patients experience first-hand as we demonstrate to them they are less broken and debilitated when simple exercises solve the issue without the need for US, other electrical or invasive methods of care. Choosing a few corrective exercises out of hundreds of possibilities is the most powerful tool at unlocking pain and providing long lasting relief. Momentum avoids a one size fits all treatment model and our process eliminates bias. We will always go to exercise first to relieve and eliminate pain.
“I understand the dry needling movement in physical therapy and the positive results being achieved. I am following the research, learning the skill and seeing the effects for myself as I practice. Dry needling also has exacerbations and Momentum Physical Therapy & Wellness works hard to understand conditions and minimize flare ups no matter the treatment method. Dry needling will be offered in the future as we currently determine who is truly an expert and who has the best dry needling philosophy that meets our expectations of methodical care. Our exercise first, patient specific results speak for themselves. We already capture success by eliminating pain, saving patients from surgery, and returning them to what they want to do. I am gratified and humbled to be able to pass significant relief to the patient through exercise.”
-Beth Andrews PT, DPT
Treatment Philosophy for Surgical Patients
• Momentum Physical Therapy & Wellness follows the physician surgical protocols as written
• When surgical protocols are not provided we have a complete listing of research based and clinically proven post surgical protocols
• US and IFC as needed when indicated to control pain and inflammation mostly in RTC repair, SAD or other post op shoulder or knee patients
• Russian Stim when indicated for strengthening highly used in ACL Rehab
• Pain relieving exercises provides ROM progression with less stress to soft tissue and minimizes inflammation
Types of Pain Relieving Exercise
“Patients would be missing out on the possibilities of simple solutions for their pain if I were biased to only one expert’s philosophy. I have helped patients throughout the spectrum recover from simple aches and pains to avoiding surgery by primarily using the four exercise theories listed below. These respected musculoskeletal philosophies relieve and eliminate pain with exercise. McKenzie and Maitland have stated the methods and concepts they developed were inspired from the work of James H. Cyriax, MD.”
• Directional Preference and Repeated Movements of the Spine and Extremities (The McKenzie Method®)
• Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization/DNS (Core Strength)
• Joint Mobilizations and Manual Therapy (The Maitland Concept®)
• Pain Neuroscience (Chronic Pain Management)
Treatment Philosophy for Non Surgical Patients
• Exercise First delivers safe, methodical recovery
• Well trained in proven exercise methods
• We avoid one size fits all treatment programs
• Targeted Exercise, when specific to each patient, decreases and eliminates pain in many patients
• Within session pain relief is strived for and often achieved on the first visit
• Only two to three exercises are needed to begin the pain relieving process
• Uncomplicated exercise plans yield greater compliance
• Delivering exceptional care with personal attention achieves more for the simple and complex patient
Greater Success with Complicated Cases
• Radiculopathy symptoms are decreased and eliminated by appropriate exercise plans
• Flare ups or severe pain is managed with modified pain relieving exercise and controlled with heat, ice and taping techniques if needed
• Modalities of ultrasound, phonophoresis estim, ionto, etc. are used as needed
• High rate of success with these methods used over the last five years
• In the last two years, I have helped eight out of the last ten patients who were told they need surgery successfully avoid surgery through exercise and taping techniques without using electro modalities, US, dry needling or traction
Phone: (843) 352-7800
Fax: (843) 352-7818